Recycling Services
All drop-off loads are price quoted upon arrival! We do not give price quotes over the phone, please do not call and ask how much your load will be.
The fee to drop off material exists to account for overhead costs such as fuel, driver compensation, and the disposal fee of the product itself. Vehicle types such as sedans, SUVs, and even vehicles with canopies, lifting hydraulic beds, or sidewalls are also welcome to utilize our recycling services.
We have the right to refuse a load for any reason at any time.
We stop accepting all recycled material 30 minutes prior to closing.
We do not accept stumps, bamboo, rebar, paint, garbage or wire.
Yard Waste
Clean Dirt
$20 minimum

Clean Concrete
Mud & Clay
$20 minimum

Clean Dirt Requirements
Clean soil refers to soil that is free from contaminants resulting from a release. It also includes soil that contains one or more contaminants from a release and has been transported from one location to another for placement onto or into the ground. This soil is considered clean if it meets either of the following criteria:
(a) It does not contain contaminants that exceed a cleanup level under chapter 173-340 WAC, Model Toxics Control Act-Cleanup, that would be established for the existing land use at the location where the soil is placed.
(b) It contains contaminants that affect pH, but the pH of the soil is within natural background pH limits that exist at the location where the soil is placed, which is between 4.5 and 9.5.
Examples of potentially clean soil include but are not limited to, soil from undeveloped lands that are unlikely to have been impacted by the release of contaminants associated with area-wide or local industrial or historical activities. This also includes similar soils over which development may have occurred, but land use is unlikely to have led to a release, such as use for residential housing or coverage by pavement. Soil with substances from natural background conditions, as defined in WAC 173-350-100, is also considered clean soil under this section.
We abide by the Washington State Legislation rules and definition of Clean soil: WAC 173-350-100